ISSS Seminar – Ambient backscatter communications

Location: EM 233

Date: 12. 10. 2023

Time: 15:00 to 16:00

Speaker: Kai Xu

Affiliation: HWU


Kai is working on ambient backscatter communications for his PhD research. He has successfully proposed and implemented a new receiving algorithm that is able to extract weak backscatter signals from dynamic and strong ambient signals. This leads to massively enhanced communication distances. In addition he has implemented the entire system with some other hardware and power management improvement. We hope this seminar to provide lively interaction between presenter and audience for useful comments and suggestions.


Kai Xu received the bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering (Honours of the First Class) from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, and Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, in 2019. The master’s degree in Science in Telecommunications (with distinction) from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, in 2020. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Heriot-Watt University and University of Edinburgh.

His current research interests include Hybrid beamforming network for Massive MIMO system, backscattering, analysis and design of antennas, and communications security.

Read more here.