This project introduces an advanced millimeter-wave (mmW) low-profile active integrated lens antenna in the millimeter-wave bands, which has promising potential applications for the state-of-the-art and up-coming cellular and satellite communication systems, as UK has been intensively investing the 5G and SatCom[1], making not only devices but also vehicles and buildings connected with low latency and sufficient throughput. The traditional architecture for multiple users is the phased array employing expensive phased shifters and lossy feeding networks. Active lens antennas[2] in fully metallic design have been proposed to solve the problem in a cost-effective way. However, the fully metallic lens antenna is very bulky in size and weight, which is an important issue for space applications. Hence, a substrate integrated active lens antenna is explored in this research with light weight, low profile, easy integration and cost effectiveness. The PI has conducted intensive research on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) horn antennas and arrays[3], [4], also has carried out several projects on mmW active integrated antennas and arrays and power amplifier designs, which will well support this proposal and research.
[1] https://www.gov.uk/government/news/more-than-3000-jobs-created-as-space-sector-grows-across-the-uk
[2] G. Ruggerini et al., “A Ka-Band Active Aperiodic Constrained Lens Antenna for Multibeam Applications: Active discrete lens antennas are promising alternative solutions for multibeam coverage using a single aperture,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 10.2019.
[3] L. Wang et al., “Phase Corrected H-Plane Horn Antenna in Gap SIW Technology,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 01.2017.
[4] L. Wang et al., “Wideband Multibeam SIW Horn Array with High Beam Isolation and Full Azimuth Coverage,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 09.2021