Speaker: Dr Lei Wang (ISSS Assistant Professor)Time: 2pm to 3pm, Thursday, 20 May, 2021.Venue: online (Please contact Dr. Yuan Ding for access) Title: Wideband Leaky-Wave Antennas and Arrays for mmW Point-to-Point CommunicationAbstract: New communications systems require high-speed data transfer and need high frequency, wideband, and directive antennas. Leaky-wave antennas are a desirable type of antennas […]
News and Achievements
URSI Young Scientist Award 2021
It is great news that Dr. Jayakrishnan Methapettyparambu Purushothama has been selected this year for the URSI Young Scientist Award to attend the 2011 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) in Roma, Italy.
Guest Editor of Special Issue in ‘Frontiers in Communications and Networks’
Dr Yuan Ding is serving as the guest editor of Special Issue ‘Recent Advances in Backscatter and Intelligent Reflecting Surface Communications for the Next Wireless Networks‘ in Frontiers in Communications and Networks – section Wireless Communications. Submission Deadline: (Manuscript) 23 Aug. 2021
New Group Member Onboard
Welcome Dr Jayakrishnan Methapettyparambu Purushothama who joins us today. He will primarily work with Dr Yuan Ding on a number of research topics. Hope he enjoys the time with us. Jayakrishnan Methapettyparambu Purushothama received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Electronics Science, respectively from the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, and Cochin […]
EPSRC Funded Project Kicks off
A 2-year newly funded EPSRC project kicks off today. The project EP/V002635/1 ‘Boosting power efficiency of physical-layer secured MIMO communications’ will be the first systematic study of the physical-layer wireless security under the energy awareness context. We propose to recover the energy penalty of the physical-layer security solutions without compromising security performance. This ambitious vision […]
New PhD Student Onboard
Mr Kai Xu joins us in the New Years Day. He will doing innovative research on hardware-enabled dynamic hybrid MIMO transmitters and ultra-low-power backscattering communications. Primary Supervisor: Dr Yuan Ding Supervisors: Prof. George Goussetis, Prof. Stephen McLaughlin External Supervisor: Prof. John Thompson (University of Edinburgh)
Best Paper Award in UCET 2020
It is a great news that Dr. Mengwei Sun, Dr. Yuan Ding and Prof. George Goussetis have been awarded the Best Paper Award in the Communication track on the paper “Adaptive Mode Selection and Power Allocation for D2D Underlay Cellular Networks With Dynamic Fading Channel Devices”, in the 2020 5th International Conference on UK-China Emerging […]
Best Paper Award in UCET 2020
Good news that Dr. Lei Wang has been awarded the Best Paper Award in the Propagation track on the paper “Numerical Investigation of OAM Based Indoor Communication in a Corridor with Electrical Conducting Walls”, in the 5th International Conference on the UK-China Emerging Technologies 2020 (UCET 2020).
New Scottish technology could end trains’ wi-fi ‘notspots’
BBC Scotland visited Heriot Watt to interview Prof. George Goussetis and PhD student Sam Rotenberg about their satellite-on-the-move (SOTM) antenna systems spin-off company, Infinect. The team tallked about how they have developed a satellite antenna that could end frustration for millions of rail passengers. It has been designed to provide high speed broadband on the move without […]
Microwaves student wins prestigious MTT-S graduate fellowship
Spyridon Nektarios Daskalakis is one of the recipients of MTT-S graduate fellowships for 2019 from IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). Up to twelve $6000 awards are granted each year by the MTT-S globally. The purpose is to recognize and provide financial assistance to graduate students who show promise and interest in pursuing a […]