News and Achievements

New Faculty on Board

Welcome Dr. Min Li joining our group from August 2023 as an Assistant Professor. Min Li received the bachelor’s degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong, in 2018. Dr. Li is currently an Assistant Professor […]

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Group BBQ

On the June 15th, we had an enjoyable group event on the BBQ in the Edinburgh campus under very supportive weather, including meats and sports, SHOULD be healthy. Looking forward to the next one!

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MTT-S IWS2023 3MT Video Competition- 2nd Place Winner

I am delighted to share one great news that one BEng student, Tong Zhang, working on the final-year project in our group has been awarded with the 2nd Place Winner of the MTT-S Multilingual Graduate Video Competition in IWS2023, which is similar to the IMS 3MT® Competitions. The competitions are carried out between graduates, Phd candidates and postdocs, […]

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Fantastic Introduction and Welcome of EuCAP Glasgow

We had a great and successful introduction and welcome of the EuCAP 2024 during the closing ceremony at EuCAP 2023 in Florence. The EuCAP flag has been received by the chairman Prof. George Goussetis. We are looking forward to seeing you in Glasgow the next year!

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ISSS/Microwave Seminar on Parity Time-reversal Duality (PTD ) Symmetric Structures

Speaker: Iram Nadeem Affiliation: University of Siena Italy Synopsis:  Topological Edge modes (TPEMs) are the electromagnetic (EM) equivalent of the edge states in the integer quantum hall effect that occurs due to topological phase transitions of matter, the discovery at the origin of the Nobel Prize awarded to Thouless, Haldane and Kosterlitz in 2016. The EM extension […]

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EPSRC Strategic Equipment Grant Awarded

We have been awarded more than £1M from EPSRC, with another £0.5M match funding from school, to establish an experimental satellite ground station facility (SGSF). SGSF will be hosted by Heriot-Watt University and be located at the Errol airfield, collocated with Dundee Satellite Station Ltd (DSS). SGSF will provide currently unavailable capabilities and accelerate research […]

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Microwave Seminar on Leaky-Wave Antennas

Date & Time: Nov. 10, Thursday: 14:00-15:00. Location: Seminar Room DB315 in Edinburgh campus. Speaker: Miguel Poveda-Garcia, from Spain, studied at Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT), where he received the BEng, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications Engineering. So far, Miguel has focused his research on leaky-wave antennas and their applications, topic that has gained […]

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Royal Society Research Grant Awarded

We have been awarded the funding from The Royal society on ‘Millimeter-Wave Active Integrated Lens Antenna‘. The project aims to explore a substrate integrated active lens antenna with light weight, low profile, easy integration and cost effectiveness. For more details please contact Dr. Lei Wang.

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EPS Postgraduate Research Day 2022

Our first-year students Margaux and Adan have participated the 2022 EPS postgraduate research day in the James Watt Centre, to show and communicate with other students and researchers on their first-year PhD research. Our second-year student Max has given a PGR talk in the 2022 EPS postgraduate research day. Additionally, let’s congratulate Adan and Max […]

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